December 18 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Theory of magnetotrion-polaritons in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers" by Dr. Vanik Shahnazaryan (ACTP, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology).
December 11 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Generation of vortex electrons in tunneling ionization of polyatomic molecules: Exact results in the zero-range potential model" by Kirill Bazarov (MIPT).
December 4 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Thermodynamics of nuclear spins interacting with strongly localized electrons" by Dr. Dmitry Smirnov (Ioffe Institute).
November 27 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Quantum acoustics on superconducting qubits and surface acoustic waves" by Dr. Alexey Bolgar (Laboratory of Artificial Quantum Systems, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) and Dr. Shtefan Sanduleanu (Laboratory of Artificial Quantum Systems, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology).
November 20 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Optical spin Hall effect: 20 years of studies" by Dr. Alexey Kavokin (ACTP, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology).
November 13 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Polariton lattices as binarized neuromorphic networks" by Dr. Evgeny Sedov (Vladimir State University).
November 6 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Non-Hermitian trapping of Dirac polariton condensates" by Dr. Anton Nalitov (ACTP, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology).
October 30 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Conserving approximations in many-body approaches to cavity quantum electrodynamics" by Professor Ilya Tokatly (Universidad del Pais Vasco).
October 23 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Path integral approach to bosonization and nonlinearities in exciton-polariton systems" by Anna Grudinina (RQC, National Research Nuclear University MEPHI).
October 16 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Exciton-polariton ring-shaped Josephson junction" by Dr. Nina Voronova (RQC, National Research Nuclear University MEPHI).
On Wednesday, October 9 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Formation of nonclassical and non-Gaussian states of a strong electromagnetic field due to its interaction with free electrons produced by ionization of a target gas" by Dr. Evgeny Andrianov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology).
On Wednesday, September 25 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Phase domain walls in coherently driven Bose-Einstein condensates" by Dr. Sergey Gavrilov (Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics RAS).
On Wednesday, September 18 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Fabrication and investigation of semiconductor light-emitting diodes. Evolution from classical thin-film heterostructures to stretchable films based on arrays of nanowires" by Dr. Vladimir Neplokh (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ACTP).
On Wednesday, September 11 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold seminar by members of MIPT Center for Photonics and 2D Materials.
On Wednesday, September 4 at 11.00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Atomistic and Continuum Models for Nanostructures: Theory and recent applications" by Prof. Daniele Barettin (Università Niccolò Cusano)
From the 30th of September to the 4th October 2024. The INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Theoretical Physics and New Technologies
On Wednesday, June 5 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Qubits based on exciton polaritons condensates" by Prof. Alexey V. Kavokin (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ACTP)
On Wednesday, May 29 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Electronic properties of van der Waals heterostructures with a relaxed moiré superlattices" by Prof. Vladimir V. Enaldiev (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ACTP)
On Wednesday, May 22 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Quasiparticles in Andreev wires" by Prof. Vadim S. Khrapai (Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka)
The Abrikosov Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) invites applications for short-term visits to the center. The ACTP will fund several one-month long visits during the second half of 2024. Successful applicants are expected to have PhD in physics and a significant track record in theoretical condensed matter physics or photonics. During their stay in Dolgoprudny, they are expected to initiate research projects in collaboration with the researchers of the ACTP. The application package should include CV, publication list, dates of intended visit and one-page summary of the proposed research project quoting the names of potential collaborators at the ACTP. More information on the ACTP is available at the website
The Abrikosov Center for Theoretical Physics (ACTP) at the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology (MIPT) invites applications for several research fellow positions in theoretical condensed matter physics, photonics, quantum optics and information.
The Abrikosov Center for Theoretical Physics (ACTP) at the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology (MIPT) invites applications for several research fellow positions in theoretical condensed matter physics, photonics, quantum optics and information.
On Wednesday, May 15 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Deep laser cooling of the thulium atom: on the way to a quantum simulator" by Prof. Alexey V. Akimov (Russian Quantum Center)
On Wednesday, April 3 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Transport experiments for Weyl semimetals" by Prof. Eduard V. Devyatov (Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka)
On Wednesday, March 20 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Selected issues of the condensed matter theory from the experimentalist point of view" by Prof. Vadim V. Brazhkin (Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS)
On Wednesday, March 6 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Anisotropic Superconductivity Onset and Heterogeneous Superconductivity in FeSe and Organic Superconductors" by Prof. Pavel D. Grigoriev (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics)
On Wednesday, February 21 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Spin density wave and triplet superconductivity in biased AB bilayer graphene" by Prof. Alexander L. Rakhmanov (Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics, Russian Academy of Sciences)
On Wednesday, February 7 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Theoretical study of the ultrathin diamond films formation from multilayer graphene" by Prof. Pavel B. Sorokin (National University of Science and Technology MISiS)
On Wednesday, January 24 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Reaction-diffusive dynamics of number-conserving dissipative quantum state preparation" by Prof. Igor Burmistrov
On Wednesday, January 17 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Towards periodic arrays of coupled vortices in exciton-polariton condensates" by Dr. Sergey Alyatkin.
The Abrikosov Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) invites applications for short-term visits to the center. The ACTP will fund several one-month long visits during the second half of 2024. Successful applicants are expected to have PhD in physics and a significant track record in theoretical condensed matter physics or photonics. During their stay in Dolgoprudny, they are expected to initiate research projects in collaboration with the researchers of the ACTP. The application package should include CV, publication list, dates of intended visit and one-page summary of the proposed research project quoting the names of potential collaborators at the ACTP. More information on the ACTP is available at the website
The Abrikosov Center for Theoretical Physics (ACTP) at the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology (MIPT) invites applications for several research fellow positions in theoretical condensed matter physics, photonics, quantum optics and information.
The Abrikosov Center for Theoretical Physics (ACTP) at the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology (MIPT) invites applications for several research fellow positions in theoretical condensed matter physics, photonics, quantum optics and information.
On Wednesday, December 13 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Charge and spin instabilities in graphene and magnetic two-dimensional materials" by Dr. Andrey Katanin.
On Wednesday, December 6 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Unconventional superconductivity and paramagnetic Meissner response triggered by nonlocal pairing interaction in proximitized heterostructures" by Prof. Aleksandr Melnikov, ACTP.
On Wednesday, November 29 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Non-equilibrium bosonization approach and it's applications in mesoscopic physics" by Dr. Edvin Idrisov, ACTP.
On Wednesday, November 22 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on "Spatially inhomogeneous states in many-fermion systems" Dr. Alexander Rozhkov, Leading Research Scientist (ITAE RAS).
On Wednesday, October 25 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on "Role of lattice reconstruction in electronic properties of transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) twisted bilayers" by Vladimir Enaldiev, PhD.
On Wednesday, September 27 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on "LK-99: the recent boom and possible interpretations" byProf. Alexey Kavokin.
On Wednesday, September 20 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on "Exciton transport in 2D materials" by Dr. Vanik Shahnazaryan.
On Wednesday, September 13 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on "Localization of ultracold atoms and polariton condensates inquasiperiodic lattices" by Dr. Dmitry Zezyulin.
On Wednesday, September 6 at 15:00, Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on "Polariton condensation in the presence of a rotatingincoherent pump" by Prof. Alexey Yulin.
The ISCTP is a major scientific event of the year hosted by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Alma Mater of several Nobel Prize winners. The aim of the conference is providing a forum for a large number of prominent theoretical physicists specialized in condensed matter physics, soft matter physics, biophysics, quantum technologies, photonics, metamaterials, many body physics, chaos, algorithms, topology and related topics. PhD students and young researchers are encouraged to participate and to present posters or short oral talks. The social program will include excursions in Moscow, the vibrant magapolis famous for its architectural monuments, museums and theaters. The ISCTP is meant to become an every year event. Itâs International Program committee is welcoming contributions from all those who value on-site meetings and informal communications in research.
On Wednesday, May 31, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on "Chiral molecular polaritons: cavities, analytical models,and applications" by Prof. Denis G. Baranov.
On Wednesday,May 24, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Superconducting quantum fluctuations in one dimension" byProf.Andrey Dmitrievich Zaikin.
On Wednesday,May 17, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Optical probing of collective modes in low-dimensional unconventional superconductors" by Ivan Iorsh.
On Wednesday, April 26, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Engineering and control of topological phases via accidental degeneracy of the modes" by Maxim Gorlach.
On Wednesday,April 19, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on"Dynamics of superconducting condensates within time-dependent Ginzburg - Landau theory with a complex relaxation time: history and recent development" by Alexander Melnikov.
On Wednesday,April 12, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on "Multiscale photonic-crystal structures" by Prof. Nikolay Gippius.
On Wednesday, April 5, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Light-matter interface coupled to a nanophotonic waveguide" by Dr. Alexandra Sheremet.
On Wednesday, March 29, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on "Asymmetric higher-harmonic SQUID as a Josephson diode" by doctor Yakov Fominov.
On Wednesday, March 22, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold theseminar on "Beyond the Landau Lifshitz theory" by Prof. Yury Bunkov.
On Wednesday, March 15, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Quantum computations with cold calcium ions" by Prof. Kirill Lakhmanskiy.
OnWednesday, March 1, at 11:00 Moscow time, at the Abrikosov Center for Theoretical Physics, Professor Kirill Vitalievich Kavokin will make a report on the topic "Tinnitus: Statistical mechanics of the inner ear receptors".
On Wednesday, February 22, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Polariton rings in nonlinear regime: Spin-Meissner effect and Aharonov-Bohm effect for solitons" by Prof. Ivan Shelykh.
WPTS will be organised by the Abrikosov Center for Theoretical Physics (ACTP) at the Moscow Institute for Science and Technology (MIPT) from the 31st of January to the 6th of February 2023 in Tsakhadzor, Armenia.
On Wednesday, February 15, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Dynamic spin-triplet order induced by alternating electric fields in superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson junctions" by Irina Bobkova.
On Wednesday, February 8, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Polariton Computing: from digital logic to analogue simulation" by Professor Pavlos Lagoudakis.
On Wednesday, January 25, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Towards the theory of types III and IV non-Hermitian Weyl fermions" by Zaur Alisultanov.
On Wednesday, January 18, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Microscopic theory of all-optical magnetization control in CrI3 monolayers" by Andrey Kudlis.
On Wednesday, January 11, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Optically trapped exciton-polariton condensates in magnetic fields" by Anton Nalitov.
On December 28, 2022, the grand opening of the new offices of the International Center for Theoretical Physics named after A.A. Abrikosov in the radio engineering building of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
On Wednesday, December 21, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Momentum alignment of photoexcited carriers and valley separation in low-dimensional Dirac materials" by Mikhail Portnoi.
On Wednesday, December 14, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Exciton-polariton full Bloch beams and ultrafast Rabi-oscillating photonic vortices" by Nina Voronova.
On Wednesday, December 7, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Many-body Localization in Disordered 1D Hubbard Model with Infinite Onsite Repulsion" by Boris Altshuler.
On Wednesday, November 30, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Local and nonlocal in correlated media" by Alexey Rubtsov. You can join us offline in 524 room of main MIPT building or online via link below.
On Wednesday, November 23, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Controlling many-body systems: Applications for quantum technologies" by Alexey Fedorov. You can join us offline in 532 room of main MIPT building or online via link below.
On Wednesday, November 16, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Exotic coexisting phases of superconductivity and ferromagnetism" by Zhanna Devizorova. You can join us offline in 532 room of main MIPT building or online via link below.
On Wednesday, November 9, at 11:00 a.m. Moscow time, ACTP will hold the seminar on "Searching for new superfluid states in a Fermi gas of atoms" by Andrei Turlapov. You can join us offline in 532 room of main MIPT building or online via link below.
Seminar Exciton transport in two-dimensional semiconductors. Date of the event: November 2, 2022 Speaker: Mikhail Glazov
Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 It was awarded to three quantum physicists who experimentally confirmed the validity of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.Speakers: Georgy Shlyapnikov, Alexey Kavokin, Alexey Akimov
Seminar Exciton-mediated superconductivity. Date of the event: October 19, 2022 Speaker:Alexey Kavokin,Director of the Abrikosov ACTP
Yesterday, October 9, the International Conference on the Physics of 2D Materials began in Yerevan. A delegation from ACTP will be presenting reports, see the official website of the conference for details.
Optical methods for controlling Abrikosov vortices in a superconductor Superconductors are special materials in which electric current flows without resistance (dissipation). While the magnetic field does not penetrate into superconductors of one type at all, it can penetrate into superconductors of the second type, but in a very unusual way - in the form of Abrikosov vortices, small non-superconducting "threads" that are flowed around by non-dissipative supercurrents. While methods for generating vortices and controlling the state of a superconductor with a dense vortex lattice using a magnetic field and external currents are well known, optical methods that are more promising for practice have been relatively poorly studied until recently. The report will consider the physical principles underlying the original technique for controlling the position of an individual vortex using laser radiation. Optical methods for generating a vortex by light without applying a magnetic field, based on the Kibble-Zurik and Faraday effects, will also be presented.
The competition for the Research Fellow position is closed. Successful candidates will be interviewed in August and the results will be announced on September 1..
Director of ACTP about the center, its prospects, the future of theoretical physics, and his books for children.
Attracting young people to science is a priority for us â Valery Falkov attended the opening ceremony of the Abrikosov Center for Theoretical Physics.